
Happy New Year #Blog Hop - #Giveaway

Happy New Year!!

Many of us are looking forward to a fresh start, making goals and resolutions.

In 2011, my publishing company started and published 3 books.
In 2012, we doubled it, and published 6.
For 2013, my goal is to double it once more, and publish 12. 
This is a lofty goal, but if you'd like to submit your work or check out our progress,
(one winner gets both prizes)
A $10 Amazon Gift Card
One of 2012's ebooks, Christian in Training:

What about you?
What is your biggest goal for 2013 and how will you get there?

Don't forget to visit the other stops on the hop for more chances to win great prizes!


Sunday Devotion - God's Offer Has a Shelf Life

We're being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent life, and how to take on a God-filled, God-honoring life. This new life is starting right now, and is whetting our appetites for the glorious day when our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, appears. He offered himself as a sacrifice to free us from a dark, rebellious life into this good, pure life, making us a people he can be proud of, energetic in goodness. (Titus 2:12-14 MSG)

Here is God's offer, and it's a good one. He offers it today and everyday. Will we turn our backs on the godless, indulgent life and take on the God-filled, God-honored life? Step by step, holding His hand. Or will we continue to indulge ourselves and live as the godless do?

As we make this decision we need to remember one important fact: God's offer has a shelf-life. 

If we turn our backs on Him today, it's easier to turn our back again tomorrow...and the next day. It's harder to turn back to Him than it would have been if we'd said yes the first time. If I don't respond when He speaks, it becomes harder to hear Him. If I leave Him, it's harder to come back again.

The offer didn't actually go bad, it's just not as readily available for you to grab hold of anymore. 

It's like climbing a mountain. Every step we take either brings us closer to the top, where we want to be, or closer to the bottom. But we can't stand still; we must take a step. Standing still on the slippery footing will only make us go down. And if we go down, it becomes harder to climb back up again. Each step we take draws us closer to Him or takes us further away. So which direction will we go?


Prayer Thought: Opportunities that are facing us today may be gone tomorrow. Let's listen today, climb higher today, turn our backs on the godless indulgent life and take on the new life. RIGHT NOW. 

Exciting Opportunity to Download #FREE #Kindle #Ebooks & Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card

I’m totally excited the Shop ‘Til You Drop Books and More sale going on over at Body and Soul Publishing. Partly because my book, Christian In Training, is one of the books included in the sale, and partly because of all the savings being offered on other Christian eBooks!

December 26th through the 28th, 2012 readers can score over 40 FREE Christian books – AND one lucky reader will walk away with a $25 Amazon gift card.

Besides my book, bestselling authors such as Staci Stallings, Heather Bixler, Krystal Kuehn, and Janet Perez Eckles are just a few of the names that readers will see on the books that are included in this sale. The books range from Christian romance novels, to Bible study, to book marketing, and even children’s books. Readers can rack up savings of over$140 on books during this sale, so I recommend checking it out here:


And while you’re there, don’t forget to enter to win the $25 gift card.

Guest #Blog Devotional by Deborah Heal - Write Real Good

Christian fiction writers sometimes think their stories are less important than the sermons, essays, and treatises of the "serious" non-fiction writer. But imaginative writing has tremendous power to teach deep truths. For example, many, many people have come to know God through C. S. Lewis' Narnia stories.
Storytelling is even an effective tool for fund raising. One Christmas, when it was time to send out the monthly newsletter for our crisis pregnancy center, I decided to use a story to help readers understand the problems families faced. Here is the letter I sent out:

 "And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger." Luke 2:7

 Now that was a crisis pregnancy! There is something so heart wrenching about the newborn King lying in a stable when he should have had every luxury in the universe.
Every parent wants the best for their precious little ones. But for some couples like, Carl and Brenda…

June, 1955. Carl was just out of the service and couldn’t find a job. And he had a wife and two kids—Brenda, three-year-old Stevie, and two-month-old Patty. So Carl packed up the family and moved, but with the recession there were no jobs. For a while Brenda worked at the dime store, and Carl stayed home to watch the kids. With no gas for the car, he walked across town when he heard the Shell station was hiring. Sure enough, the sign in the window said, HELP WANTED, but the man inside told him the job had just been filled. It was a long walk back home. “The air Force will take me back,” he told Brenda. But the Air Force was not taking men with two children.

The approaching Christmas season just highlighted their misery. “Well,” Brenda said, “at least Patty is too little to know about Christmas presents.” Or maybe she did and that’s why she cried so much. She seemed hungry all the time, no matter how often she nursed, and Brenda began to wonder if she had enough milk.

Brenda cried in the doctor’s office when he explained that, “yes, you can get pregnant even while you’re nursing.” And when baby Mikey came, he slept in a dresser drawer because Patty still needed the crib.

This Christmas season I am asking you to consider a very special gift so that we can continue to help families like Carl and Brenda’s resist the pressure to abort their baby “Mikey’s.” Your gift will allow us to help with baby supplies—like a crib for the baby to sleep in.

 Apparently, my little story helped to put a face on the problems associated with unplanned pregnancies, because donations poured into the center. 
Does the story seem to overly sentimental? The "Patty" in the story is me. I’m grateful to be able to use my family’s ordeal to write real good.

Deborah Heal is the author of the young adult novels Time and Again and Unclaimed Legacy She lives in Waterloo, Illinois, where she enjoys reading, gardening, and learning about southern Illinois history. She is married and has three grown children, three grandchildren, and a canine buddy named Scout (a.k.a. Dr. Bob). Currently, she is working on book three in the Time and Again trilogy.

You may learn more about the author by visiting her website: http://www.deborahheal.com/, her  Facebook Fan Page, and Goodreads. Her books may be purchased on Amazon.com.


Today's the Book Launch of Terreldor - #amreading

Join Mark and his brother as they find themselves in a strange world filled with impossibility and adventure. Faced with tragedy and trial, Mark is forced to draw upon strengths and develop skills he never expected himself capable of. The brothers are taken in by mentors who claim to hold the secrets of true wisdom and maturity. In their endeavors, they learn the most difficult lessons in life are often found on the path home. 

Begin the adventure in Journey to Terreldor, then follow these brothers as they are cast into peril in Terreldor at War. Discover the culmination of their odyssey in The Long Path Home.

What Reviewers are saying:
The author is writing in a style of a fantasy and supernatural weaving tales, fables and prophesy together to entertain the reader with the possibilities of what if. 
S. Mahoney (Amazon Reviewer)

This is a great book for all ages and especially young teens and young adults. 
L. Gray (Amazon Reviewer)

Today's Launch only - the price has been reduced to 99c!
Buy for $0.99 today, December19th and win big! Share or Comment-&-Like to enter drawing for free! New Amazon Kindle, $25 Starbucks giftcard, bags, books and more!
Find info here:

Guest #Devotional #Blog - Nona King

The Daily Challenge

One of the greatest challenges for me as a Christian is to overcome the Enemy’s daily reminder of my past failures. From relationships to story lines, if there is an aspect that did not fall in line with my idea of a Christian theme, it is used against me.

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." ~II Corinthians 5:17

Wait. What? Because I’m a believer, I’m a new creature? But, what about that questionable bit of story line I was tempted to write all of last week? I’m not a new creature anymore. I’m as wicked as I ever was.

But it doesn't work that way.

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.” ~Lamentations 3:22, 23; NKJV

Each day is a new beginning. Each morning we are a new creature in Christ. He allows us these precious moments to begin anew. To grow in our faith and in our witness for others, so we can attest to His great mercies. His patience. His unending devotion to us, His children. In that promise there is hope, each new day, for me to once again craft my heart to fulfill His desire for my future.

I feel certain that future is bright.

Connect with the Author:
www.NonaKing.com – Fiction .|. www.WordObsession.net – Blog
is currently on sale for 99c Kindle Edition.

searching for sara

Sunday #Devotional ~ Friend of #God = Enemy of Satan?

You are my friends if you do what I command. (John 15:14 NKJV)

So the other day, someone pasted this Mantra on Facebook, and I haven't been able to get it out of my head.  If there is anything that I want to be in life, it is a friend of God and a threat to my enemy, Satan.

So what have I been doing to make that happen? And what do I need to do to accomplish it?  I thought about that in my time with the Lord. And here is what I was told:

Be still and know that I am God.  (Psalm 46:10 NKJV)

I need to pray more, and in a way that keeps me focused and still.  I spend too much time not being still in the Lord, trying to read His word instead, and worrying about how to serve Him (like Martha) instead of just listening to Him like Mary.

John, the beloved disciple, was always leaning on the bosom of Jesus listening to Him.  He describes himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved. And the word he uses more in his gospel than all of the other gospels combined is "BELIEVE." Not do, not work, not serve, just believe.

So when I look at this mantra, it makes me want to pick up my sword and start slashing.  But God has told me to choose the better part and be still, get to know Him, and become someone worth fearing.

Prayer Thought: How about you? Do you have trouble sitting still and just waiting upon God? If you do, spend this time in prayer with Him and ask for His help in improving your patience and listening skills.

BLOG Giveaway WINNERS and a Cover Reveal for Winter Fae

The Winners of the Birthday Bash for December ~
1- $20 Amazon Gift Card: NONA K.
2- Found Adrift PB and Boat Bookmark: KELLEE F.
3- Clockwork Dragon PB and Dragon Bookmark: JAMES N.
4- Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball and Holiday Necklace: JIM L.
5- Steampunk Necklace and Winter Fae E-book winner: CAROL J.


And here is the Cover for the Fantasy Steampunk release of WINTER FAE (Available December 15th)

~The SHORT STORY Prequel to Armored Hearts ~

Once upon a time, a fairy princess gave up her home, her family, and her birthright for the love of a human lord. But life outside has made her sick. When she returns to the land of fae with her son, she discovers things are not as they should be. Will she find the healing she so desperately seeks for herself and invalid son? Or will she be received with the coldness of winter?

(Look for Armored Hearts in February 2013)

Are you willing to be a FAILURE for #God?

For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day. Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. (1 Timothy 1:12-13)

Do we ever think our dreams for success or accomplishment is God's purpose for us? Do we think that if we obey God will accomplish great things with our obedience?  His purpose may well be just the opposite.  God's end, His purpose for us IS the process of submitting our will to Him. It is today that He wants us to focus on. 

Our obedience will accomplish great things.  Perhaps we will never see the repercussions of what our faith does.  Maybe God will give us a goal that He has no intention for us to personally reach.  There were missionaries who felt that they were to go and preach the word to an indigenous tribe in South America - but when they got there, they were slaughtered within days of their arrival by the very people they were trying to bring the gospel to.  But when more missionaries came, including their families - not to seek revenge, but to share God's love, the tribe who did the murdering came to Christ.  It is said that the church is a plant that is watered by the blood of saints.  Are we truly willing to shed our blood in order to bring God glory?

The Bible is full of ordinary people who went to impossible places and did wondrous things simply because they decided to obey God, even when others said, "You can't do that." They weren't more qualified for their tasks than we are. But they trusted God to open doors and give them the power they needed in their situation. Can we trust God to open doors that seem closed? The doors God sets before us are much like grocery store entrances - the doors seem closed, but the minute you step up to them, they open.  God opens the door the minute we step up in faith.  But if we never take the step of faith, the doors will always be closed.


Prayer Thought: Are you willing to be a failure for God? Are you ready to re-prioritize what is important and what is successful? Ask God today to help you seek out those misconceptions within you. Pray that they will not keep you from being a true success for God.

Birthday Bash - What could I win?

Enter to win ALL 8 PRIZES:
Here are the December Prizes offered here at Fat Free Faith:

December 1 - Need a little help with last minute shopping? Or have your eye on some Kindle books, but your holiday purse strings are a little tight? Well the prize for December 1st is a $20 Amazon Gift Card.
December 2 - The Paperback Copy of Found Adrift: 40 Days of Recovering Grace and a Boat Charm Bookmark.

December 3 - Paperback Copy of The Clockwork Dragon and Gold Dragon Charm bookmark designed by Donita K. Paul.

December 4 - Hardcover Copy of Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball, signed by Donita K. Paul and a Christmas Charm necklace.

December 5 - A e-copy of Winter Fae: Prologue to Armored Hearts ~ Fantasy Steampunk  and a Steampunk Inspired Charm Cluster Necklace (Owl, Heart, Key, Gear, and more).


Sunday #Devotional - How much are you Worth? - #tworship

Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.  But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.  (Matthew 10:29-31 NKJV)

The Old Testament is full of assurances of our creation and God’s love for us, particularly in the Psalms, but Jesus said this in the New Testament. In this small snippet of Scripture, Jesus assured us of many things.

 First, Jesus called God your Father.  This means that God is my Father, not just Jesus’ Father alone, but mine, too.  If God is my Father, than He would care about the intimate details of my daily life, just like my earthly father did.

Second, notice that your hairs are numbered.  I don’t know about you, but every day I shed hairs. This would mean that God cares enough to know how many hairs are on my head today, because the number is different than yesterday!

Third, He tells me not to fear.  This means that Jesus wants us to understand that worry is fear.  It is fear that God doesn’t care, and that we are responsible for our own lives.  If we are not to worry or fear, than Jesus is telling us that God does care, and that we are not responsible for our lives, but are to take the responsibilities to God.

In this Scripture, Jesus is expressing the idea that God is not some distant, far-away, absentee father. No, He is present, He cares, and He doesn’t want you to worry.

Prayer Thought: What are you worried about? Do you believe that God cares for you? Take your heart’s struggle and fears to Him right now and voice them.

Birthday Bash!

My co-author and friend Melissa Turner Lee and I are giving away PRIZES GALORE between her birthday and mine. Starting November 28 we're giving away a prize/day until December 5 ~ In honor of our joint FANTASY STEAMPUNK project: Armored Hearts.

For November's Giveaways - see Melissa Turner Lee's Blog

Here's December Raffle Copters to Enter:
This Prize will be given away on December 1 -
a Rafflecopter giveaway

This Prize will be given away on December 2 -
a Rafflecopter giveaway

December 3's Prize -
a Rafflecopter giveaway

December 4's Prize -
a Rafflecopter giveaway

December 5's Prize -
a Rafflecopter giveaway


#Bible Devotional - How Easily Offended Should a #Christian Be? #tworship

Not a picture of the graffiti mentioned.

Great peace have they who love your law; nothing shall offend them or make them stumble.  (Psalm 119:165 AMP)

The day before Halloween last year, some of the punk kids in the neighborhood thought it would be funny to redecorate our church with spray cans.  They painted the handicapped signs, other church signs, and the area around the dumpster as well as the back doors of the sanctuary.  They wrote things that were juvenile, and would easily offend the delicate sensitivities of those with high moral value.

But, my question is: Are Christians supposed to have delicate sensitivities?  In movies and TV, the person displayed as the most easily offended at parties and in workplaces seems to be the Christian.  How much truth is there to that?  

Too much.  I remember once that someone at my church was “offended” that people weren’t cutting the grass often enough because dandelions showed up on Sunday mornings to greet the parishioners.  What causes church split ups except that one group becomes offended by the other’s song choice, dress, seating arrangement, or when communion is taken?

If Christians were not so easily offended would the punk neighborhood kids have found it as fun to poke at their sensitivities?  If instead they could expect the church to forgive them and believe the best for them wouldn’t it take away their fun?

And then many will be offended and repelled and will begin to distrust and desert Him whom they ought to trust and obey and will stumble and fall away and betray one another and pursue another with hatred. (Matthew 24:11 AMP)

Because one person in the church becomes so easily offended, they turn their back on the church. Then this same person will turn their back on Jesus.  These are the last days.  We’re living in them.  Because so many in the church don’t read the Bible for themselves, many don’t know and love God’s law. This is the reason we become easily offended.   

How do we become offended?
Synonyms for Offended are: Insulted, snubbed, affronted.  One definition of offend is: to break a commonly accepted rule or principle, causing insult, upset, annoyance, or resent.  And there we have the problem.  When we come to God we are to dispel all our pre-conceived notions of what is commonly accepted and believe the best of everyone. 

This is Love:
Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything without weakening. (1 Corinthians 13:7 AMP)

If we truly believe the best and endure without weakening in all circumstances, then we would become hard to offend.  So let us not let Satan have this foothold in our lives. It used to be that of someone felt offended, they’d be rewarded with a “get over it.” Today we live in a society where being offended punishes the offender with an accusation of intolerance whether they had malicious intent or not or whether the party who felt offended had the right to feel that way. 

Dear Lord,
Help me to remember today that, as a Christian, it is my duty to “get over it.” I need to be willing to take on the offense of another and bear it up.  My first calling is to love and in order to do that, I need to endure whatever insult comes my way and believe the best of the one who insulted me.  Help me do this Lord, because I cannot do it on my own. In Jesus Name, Amen.


21 Ways to Celebrate Gratitude - Guest #Blog by Shelley Hitz

Thanksgiving season is soon approaching and this year, I encourage you to take the opportunity to celebrate gratitude. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of this holiday season, take a moment (or two) to celebrate gratitude.

Don’t forget to check out the free book giveaway below.
Idea #8:  Create a journal of thanks.  Buy a blank journal and pass it around the table for each family member to write something they are thankful for.  Include the year and consider making it a tradition.  You can use the same journal each year and even look back on years past and be reminded of your blessings.
See all 21 ways to celebrate gratitude this Thanksgiving at Shelley’s website: http://www.bodyandsoulpublishing.com/21-ways-to-celebrate-gratitude-during-thanksgiving-this-holiday-season/
Free Gratitude Resource:
On November 14, 15 and 16th, 2012 you can download a FREE Kindle copy of the book, “21 Stories of Gratitude:  The Power of Living Life With a Grateful Heart.”  
Book Description:
Are you living life to the fullest? Or are you merely surviving from day to day?
One way to live life to the fullest is to live each day with a grateful heart. In this book, we share 21 stories of gratitude to give you encouragement and hope in your own journey. Gratitude is possible! Even though many times we cannot change our circumstances, we can change the way we see them. We can ask God to empower us to change our thoughts.
Our prayer for you is that you find encouragement within these pages. And we pray that you will ask God for His strength to renew your mind with His truth and the hope He offers each one of us every day. It is only through Christ renewing our minds that we can truly live each day with a grateful heart.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
Other Gratitude Resources:
·         21 Days of Gratitude Challenge:   Take the 21 days of gratitude challenge to celebrate Thanksgiving this year.  You can do this by yourself or as a family.
·         21 Prayers of Gratitude:  Read a prayer of gratitude for 21 days to focus your heart on God and all He has given us.
About the Author:
Shelley Hitz has been writing and publishing books since 2008. She is also the author of the website, FindYourTrueBeauty.com, that reaches thousands of girls each month around the world. Her openness and vulnerability as she shares her own story of hope and healing will inspire and encourage you.
Shelley has been ministering to teens since 1998 alongside her husband, CJ. They currently travel and speak to teens and adults around the country. Shelley’s main passion is to share God’s truth and the freedom in Christ she has found with others. She does this through her books, websites and speaking engagements.
You can find more about Shelley at www.ShelleyHitz.com or invite her to speak at your event here: www.ChristianSpeakers.tv

#Bible Devotional - Who is in Control? #tworship

Therefore keep a watch upon your spirit, that it may be controlled by My spirit, that you deal not treacherously and faithlessly. (Malachi 2:16 NKJV)

I have a recurring nightmare.  I’m driving along in my car, usually downhill, when I find myself careening toward the back end of another car.  I apply my brakes, and nothing happens.  I press harder, with all my might, and still I continue to move forward fast to my impending doom.  By this time, I usually wake up, my heart beating a mile a minute.

I have since found that this dream sequence is a common one among people who fear loss of control in their lives.  Though I’ve never really thought of myself as a control freak, I have to analyze my actions and let them speak for themselves.  Let’s look at what behaviors define a control freak:

Do I get upset when things don’t go the way that I plan?

Do I get impatient when my agenda for the day gets foiled by someone else?

If things aren’t where I last put them, do I want get angry at who moved them?

When I let someone borrow something of mine, do I obsess over how they take care of it, or whether they will return it soon?

Unfortunately I can pretty much answer yes to all of these questions, because at least at some point in my life I have been guilty of them all.  But are these the responses that God wants us to have?  

The plain fact is that the reason that the Israelites stayed in the desert for 40 years is because they wanted God to do things their way.  They wanted CONTROL, and when things didn’t go the way they planned or wanted, they grumbled, complained, and wanted to return to Egypt.  So God taught them how to rely on Him, to relinquish control to Him, and to trust Him to know what was best. If we sow patience and humility in each of these situations, we grow closer to God as we give Him control, just as we should.  

If we are controlled by the Spirit, we will find that we live by the Spirit.  Our life will bear fruit.  But if we give into those feelings of impatience, upset, and anger, we’ll be controlled by our flesh and seek its gratification: 

For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit set their minds on and seek those things which gratify the Holy Spirit. (Romans 8:5 NKJV)

Isn’t this really a matter of Pride vs. Humility?  
The Proud man can take care of himself.  He’s got things under control.  He can find the solutions to all his problems.  He doesn’t need anyone’s help.

The Humble man lets God lead.  He understands that he is not God, and that God is the one in control.  He realizes that he cannot solve his own problems and looks to God for help.

Oh Lord,
Which am I? Am I humble or am I proud? I know Lord that I am pround, and I’m ready to let go of the control that I’ve been trying to keep. Today, help me find where You want me to relinquish control, and help be ready to change my attitude when things go wrong.  We are not strong enough to solve all our own problems much less everyone else’s.  Lord, that we would realize that we’re only human! In Jesus name, Amen.


Live Fearless - #Bible Devotional Guest #Blog by Suzanne Williams

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2Ti 1:7)

This is a very familiar verse to most people. I know I heard it quoted many times growing up. However, it wasn’t until I became completely crippled by fear and was unable to leave home that I had even a faint glimpse of its meaning. And it’s a powerful verse because everything you need to overcome fear in your life is given there.

First, God did NOT make you afraid. Now, I’m not talking about fear, or reverence, for God. I’m talking about terror. I was afraid to leave home and get sick in public. Others are afraid of water, doctors, traveling, etc. There are many forms of fear. In order to be free you must settle in your heart that God did NOT give them to you.

There is no such thing as healthy fear. If fear was healthy, then I’d be a giant now because I’ve had my share. No, fear took over my decisions. I made choices based on it, and I stopped doing things because of it. It then leaked into my personal life, affecting my family and friends. Fear is satanic, and this verse says so.

But God didn’t stop there. He also provided the three things needed to overcome fear. When you tap into the Holy Spirit power of God, you won’t be afraid because fear cannot live in God’s presence. At my lowest times, I entered into worship. I turned the television off, closed the computer, and concentrated on how marvelous God is.

I also began praying earnestly. The Scripture says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (Jas 5:16) There is power and strength in prayer. 

Yet prayer and worship are most effective when you know God loves you. “There is no fear in love” (Jn 4:18) because God’s love is so grand and high and wide; it’s so all-encompassing and all inclusive that nothing we have ever done or ever will do can overpower it. Instead, God meets us where wevare and lifts us up above all the thousands fallen at our side. (Ps 91:7)

And he heals our mind. Having a sound mind comes as we renew our thoughts. (Rm 12:2) This is definitely the hardest step in overcoming fear because it requires deliberate action. We think God’s thoughts instead of fear. (Php 4:8) It also means we change our confession. We no longer say whatever pops into our head, but speak the truth of God’s Word.

I am a free woman today no longer captive to fear, and it was a long, slow road to get here. But I walked it hand-in-hand with my loving heavenly Father knowing He was there for me every single step of the way. And I live fearless. Not because I no longer struggle with fear, but because fear no longer has a hold on me for I know God is bigger. He’s greater. He’s higher. He’s more than enough.

Suzanne Williams is the author of Fearless -
Which will be on sale for half price on October 31!


Guest #Bible Devotional - Discretion by Heather Hart

An Excerpt from “Teen Devotionals… for Girls!”


What do your actions and words portray?

Written by Heather Hart


Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.

~Proverbs 11:22


Being beautiful isn’t all about the outside. This verse says that beauty can be like a gold ring in a pig’s snout - it catches the eye, but it still isn’t appealing. We need to learn to show discretion. We can be discrete with our words or our actions. Discretion is being cautious in what we say, and it includes making responsible choices. …It is not being loud and boisterous, but quiet and well mannered.


Let’s think about pigs for a minute. The rings in their noses are small in comparison to their loud squealing, running and rolling around in the mud - they are genuinely fierce creatures. They eat just about anything, and they are not exactly a role model for good hygiene. They don’t really seem to care about anyone but themselves, and they surely don’t make responsible decisions. They don’t worry about what they eat, or the consequences of any action, they just do whatever pops into their little, piggy heads.


We can show discretion in what we wear, what we say, and how we act. As a result, we won’t spend all day pulling the skirt down because it shows just a little more than we thought when we tried it on, and we won’t be eating words that were meant only for one person when they are spread throughout the whole school. Being discrete is actually beneficial.

Plus, it is part of our inner beauty. What good is outer beauty anyway if it is like the ring in a pig’s snout compared to our inner beauty?




Are you discrete in your words and actions?


Application Step:


Today, be mindful of your words and actions. Make an effort to be discrete.




Father God, thank You for loving me enough to show me where I need to improve. Thank You for giving me the Bible to help guide me. Please help me to be discrete today. I want to make Psalm 19:14 my prayer today. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. In Jesus’ name I pray; amen.


Author Bio
First and foremost a servant of Christ, Heather Hart desires to grow more like Jesus every day. She has a passion for helping others find their true beauty in Christ and reaches toward that goal as the co-author/editor of the “Teen Devotionals… for Girls!” series, which is available on Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0046LV86E/) and for free via e-mail at www.FindYourTrueBeauty.com/devos.